Spennetta Family Care Chiropractic

Neuropathy Treatments

Neuropathy TreatmentsChiropractic care is used to help treat many conditions and help with pain issues. However, there is a little known condition that can be taken care of with Chiropractic Care. That condition is Neuropathy, and we offer chiropractic care Neuropathy treatments to help with any problems you may have in this area.

Peripheral Neuropathy is a condition that stems from other medical problems like diabetes or lack of nourishment. In addition, it is a condition that is directly related to poor health and nutrition. We take Peripheral Neuropathy serious and often combine our Health and Wellness program with standard treatments to get better results. Peripheral Neuropathy symptoms include tingling or numbness in other body parts like fingers and toes. Also, there can also be a general dizziness that happen when you have Peripheral Neuropathy.

Many people might feel tingling or numbness in other parts of their body but not think much of it. As a result, this ongoing problem could cause or be the result of something more serious that needs to be taken care. No matter how small a problem or discomfort is it should always be taken care of as soon as possible to prevent any further complications.

Neuropathy Treatments – Specific

Some of our treatments may include but are not limited to the use of ultrasound, a TENS ( transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation ) device, ice therapy, Ultrasound, ElectroTherapy, cold laser or decompression. In addition, we will often ice or warm the area. This raises circulation, which can reduce the swelling and muscle tension. If you feel you may have this condition, please do not wait to call us at 608-273-2225.

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