Spennetta Family Care Chiropractic

How Do Chiropractors Crack Lower Backs?

Demystifying the Popping Sound During Spinal Adjustments

Chiropractic care is a popular form of alternative medicine that focuses on the spine and nervous system to improve overall health and wellness. One of the most common misconceptions about chiropractic care is that chiropractors “crack” or “pop” the back. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. In this article, we’ll explore how chiropractors crack lower backs and the science behind the popping sound during spinal adjustments.

What Causes the Popping Sound During Spinal Adjustments?

The popping sound you hear during a spinal adjustment is not bones cracking or breaking. Instead, it’s the release of gas bubbles from the fluid surrounding your joints. This fluid contains nitrogen and other gases, which can form small pockets of air. When a chiropractor applies pressure to a joint, it creates a vacuum effect that sucks in surrounding gas bubbles, causing them to collapse and release a popping sound.

How Do Chiropractors Crack Lower Backs?

Chiropractors use a technique called spinal manipulation to crack lower backs. During a spinal adjustment, the chiropractor will apply a specific, controlled force to a joint in your spine, which may produce a popping sound. The goal of spinal manipulation is to realign the vertebrae in your spine, restore joint mobility, and alleviate pain and discomfort.

Additional Chiropractic Care for Lower Back Pain

In addition to spinal manipulation, chiropractors may use other techniques to relieve lower back pain, such as:

  • Soft tissue therapy: This involves massaging and stretching the muscles and other soft tissues in the affected area to alleviate tension and promote healing.
  • Exercise therapy: Chiropractors may recommend specific exercises and stretches to improve your range of motion, strengthen your core muscles, and prevent future injuries.
  • Lifestyle modifications: Chiropractors may advise you to make specific lifestyle changes to improve your overall health, such as maintaining good posture, eating a balanced diet, and staying active.

Can Chiropractic Care Fix Everything?

While chiropractic care can be beneficial for a variety of conditions, it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution. Some conditions may require medical intervention, such as surgery or medication. Chiropractors are trained to recognize when a patient’s condition is beyond the scope of chiropractic care and will refer them to a medical doctor or specialist for further evaluation.


In summary, the popping sound you hear during a spinal adjustment is not bones cracking, but rather the release of gas bubbles from the fluid surrounding your joints. Chiropractors make the cracking sound in the lower back through a technique called spinal manipulation, which aims to realign the vertebrae in your spine and relieve pain and discomfort. While chiropractic care can be helpful for many conditions, it’s important to seek medical attention if your condition requires it.

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